Miki Dotan
Council Co-Chairman
I am one of the founders of the All Its Citizens party and became party treasurer in 2023.
In my professional past, I was a businessman, and 37 years ago I established the "Third Ear" company, which over the years became an important institution in Israeli culture. Fringe culture -- the different and the exceptional -- has always been important to me, and I intend to continue this tradition in my political activities as well.
My political background includes membership in the Sheli party, Ratz, and Meretz during Shulamit Aloni's days.
In recent years, I have been active in the "Minds of Peace" association and organized many meetings between Israelis and Palestinians within this framework, where the nature of the state and possible solutions to the conflict were discussed.
I believe that the State of Israel of the 21st century must belong to all its citizens, with full equality and without ethnic, religious, or national preference. The combination of Jews and Arabs within one political framework presents a fruitful challenge for both peoples. Together we can maintain an exemplary state.