The "All Its Citizens" Party congratulates all the winners of the "Award for Shared Life 2024," distributed annually by the Abraham Initiatives to individuals and organizations that have significantly contributed to Jewish-Arab cooperation, good neighborly relations, and actions fostering trust and shared lives between Jews and Arabs.
As a party that upholds the core value of "substantive partnership between Arabs and Jews, based on equality, citizenship, and constitutional principles," we see the civil organizations honored with this award as allies contributing to the promotion of the "substantive partnership" we aspire to achieve.
The party extends its gratitude and appreciation to the Abraham Initiatives for this project, which encourages partnership between the country's diverse communities.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to this year's winners:
The "Standing Together" movement.
The Reform Movement.
Emir Muhammad Sharif Odeh, head of the Ahmadiyya community.
Attorney Hanan Al-Sana.
Journalist Muhammad Majadleh.
Ma’oz Inon, entrepreneur and peace activist.
Special recognition for lifetime achievement to Dr. Neot Zonnenein, a founder of Nava Shalom and the School for Peace.