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Until when will the oppressed be oppressed? 1948/1967/2014/2024/2025..

It is heartbreaking to see the residents of Gaza who were displaced from their homes, which were completely destroyed, walking dozens of kilometers on foot, destitute, barefoot, without food and water. Hundreds of thousands of displaced people are flocking back to their places of residence in the northern Gaza Strip. Returning to cities completely destroyed, with no streets, buildings or infrastructure left for life. Generation after generation, their fathers and grandfathers were displaced from their land and became refugees with nothing. Every few years, the waves of displacement and expulsion return again and again. Refugees of all the following years: 1948, 1967, 2014, 2024 and now in 2025. Now President Trump is threatening them with further ethnic cleansing, deportation to Jordan and Egypt. The delusional messianic right-wingers say that the commandment to wipe Amalek from the face of the earth applies to them. (Irit Linor, Israel Today 6/1). In this war, they tried to implement it using cannons, fighter jets, drones, and personal weapons.

And what are our rulers in government doing to find a solution to the problem?

They are looking for a way out of the mess they have gotten themselves into of returning the kidnapped and returning to fight again against those who have only just returned to the ruins of their homes, and even that only under pressure from Trump, the "noble of soul," after they have despised the people's protests to return the abandoned kidnapped home, desperate cries while the government continues the war for more than a year and causes more false victims.

Who today remembers the word "peace" if Netanyahu had completely erased it from the vocabulary of our lives?

In my opinion, the greatest crime Netanyahu committed against the people is that during his term he abolished the Palestinian Authority's status as the representative of the Palestinian people and nurtured the extremist Hamas. In the spirit of these words, my colleague Odeh Bisharat wrote today in Haaretz that Netanyahu is negotiating with Hamas as if it were the partner for peace, and is refusing to allow the Palestinian Authority to return to rule in Gaza. The Authority is the only partner that can represent the Palestinian people, and with it, Israel has signed agreements to this day.

Written by: Tamim Abu Khait

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